Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A. CG Deadlift : climb to heavy 10 rep; maximum not important
*365 w/ straps

B. Seated Good Morning 4x6; ascending (heavy here)

C. tabata Hollow rocks x 8

D.  Landmine Press Work; be smart here. Your choice of rep schemes and sets...ease it in 
*did sets of 8 @ 3030: empty bar/ +5/ +10/ +15, felt appropriate. Couldn't dynamically lower the bar to the floor with my bad shoulder 

E. 200m Reverse sled drag/run..move as fast as you can in this movement
x 4. rest 4 min between ; 15's on each side first rd, 25's on each side on 2nd rd, 35's each side 3rd rd, 45's each side 4th rd 
*done, not too bad

Monday, November 17, 2014


A. Back SqT: 5RM + 2x5@90%
*375, 2x5 @ 335

B. Single Leg (barbell on back) 3 sets each side x 6-8 reps (not approaching failure)
*185, neck tension was kinda hurting by the end of this

400m Run
40 GHD Situps
400m Run 
40 Weighted DB Situps (50)
400m Run
*12:40, GHDSU's kill me! But I love them and need to keep them in my programming weekly to get better at them. Please 😄

C. 10-20 min on bike @70-80%
*15 mins, stayed over 376 Watts the entire time

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


A. 80% x 1 rep x 3 sets back squat 
*done, 355#

B. 560m Row Intervals : @1:38 pace x 5 ; rest 2:45
*done, tough, but felt pretty good and smooth

C. Elevated flat bench : barbell rows 5x7 ; ascending 
*done, not too heavy cause smoked from rowing

A. 5RM back sqT  + 2x5 @93%
*done, 385#, could've gone heavier if I wanted to be psycho, but not the day for it with all the other fitness going on!

B. 4x7 single legs squats ; resting 1 min between legs 
*did Bulgarian squats, hopefully that's what you meant?

C. 800m run x 3; resting 1:30between 
*done, 14:10 total time

D. 20 min row 
0-5 min 
:30 on hard in <1:30 pace
:30 on at light coast
6-10 min 
:40 on @1:55
:20 off
11-15 min 
1 min on HARD
1 min legs in our only 
Hold a 2:00 pace 

*done, really tough to end with this long row, really expected my legs to cramp up badly, especially after the run, but I'm feeling okay right now. Definitely fatigued and spent, good.


A. Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlift - 3x3 @300lbs. 
*done @305#

B. CG Deadlift - build to 4RM NOT TnG reps. 
*done @385#

C. 20 min AB Test - max calories 

D. 10 min shoulder recovery work 

E. DB SA Row Work 
*done @75


A. 32 min clock 
750m Row @ max effort 

rest til 8 min mark 

amrap 5
10 sqT Cleans (135)
10 box jumps

rest 5 min 

amrap 10
20 cal AB
40 Double Unders 
6 Back SqT’s @75% *from Rack 

rest 2 min 

2 min max cal on bio e
*40 Cals on AB (right, ?)

A. Single leg Split SqTs 5 x 6 each leg; rest accordingly, ascending in weight 
*done, built to 70's

B. Bent Over Row - 4 sets of heavy 4-6 reps; across in weight, HEAVY 

C. w/ Partner 
(attach green / black band around ur waste, they will be holding you in band for resistance)
1 min on sprint
:30 off 
1 min on bear crawl 
:30 off
1 min on leap frog 
rest 6 min x 3 
*done, brutal on legs!

Monday, October 13, 2014



A. 500m Row x 5 @1:33 pace; rest 3 min between 
*done, hated this, haha

B. Seated Strict Press -  4 x 5 @85% of your 5RM previous 
*done @ 115#

A. Back SqT - 3x5 @90% of your 5RM
*done at 335#

B. Competitors Workout
5 rds:
15 Cals AB
10 Back Squats (225#, from ground)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 C2B
15 Cals Rower
Rest 4 mins

*done, total time = 33:10

Thursday, October 2, 2014


A. Hang SqT Clean x 3 + FS x 3 - build
*built to 305#

B. Single Arm ISO strict press - 4-6 reps x 5 sets each shoulder 

C. Deadlift 
80% x 3 reps x 5 sets @ ground level 
83% x 3 x 2 sets from 2" off ground 
*400# (80%); 415 (83%)

D. 45 min w/ team - max meters 
*done, solo

E. Added scap 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


A. :20 sprint on AB x 10; rest 1:30between 

B. 10 min on rower 
:30 on hard 
:30 on easy 

A. Muscle Snatch; 10-12 min of work here. 
*does this work on shoulder, since no “snap” to it. Text me on thoughts on this 
*did a set of 10 reps @ 65,75,85,95,105, felt fine.

B. Seated BB strict Press - 5RM +2x5@90%
*5RM = 130#, failed @ 135#
2x5 @ 115#

C. 21-15-9
Strict HSPU
cal on AB 
HSPUs - 15/3/3; 9/3/2/1; 6/1/1/1

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A. Snatch Pull (just contact and extension; don’t worry about bending and loading shoulder) (above knee) 5x5 @105% ish 
*basically a deadlift from there and bump w/ extension
*done @ 315#

B. w/ 12lb vest on
200m Sled Push (100#) (4x 25’s) on sled 
20 Strict pullups
200m Sled Push (75#) *yes odd weight on a side 
40 Ring Rows (feet up on box)
200m sled push (50#)
60 GHD Situps
200m Sled Push (25#)
80 UB Double Unders 
200m Sled Push (sled only)
100' Front Rack Walking Lunge (185)
*29:30...I'm fried. 

Also hopped in with Rachel this morning on the EMOM x 14
Odd: deficit HSPUs (alternated between 2"- 3" strict x 6 and parallette kipping x4)
Even: 100m sandbag run (60#)
*Tiring, but felt good.

Monday, September 15, 2014


A. Back SqT - build to 3RM @32X1
* 350#

B. 3x3 @90% of A at your normal Tempo
* 315#

C. 10 min AB Test - PR this
* 170 Cals. Hadn't done the 10 mins on the Assault Bike before, but now we have the right screens, so I had given myself a goal of 180, and I certainly tried! I am now starting to really hate the AB! In a good way I guess. I have a pretty bad lung burn from this, I've got air bubbles in my ears from being off equilibrium, haha. And my legs are gassed of course...

A. Landmine Press Work - 12 min of strength work 
*built in sets of 10 with 5# increases up to 35#, then did a drop set on the way down...shoulders=smoked. Good change of pace. Good hypertrophy, and I liked getting away from the barbell.

2 min of burpees
2 min of wall balls (20)
2 min of box jump overs (24)
2 min of Cal Row 
rest 4 min x 2 
*done. A little dead from the bike still, but kept moving.

C. Crossover Symmetry Work 



Did a 10 RFT workout
- 40yds Prowler Push (low handle x20yds, high handle x20yds) (70# on each post)
- 18 UB DU's
- 6 Burpees
- 6 GHDSU's 
*All with a 30# weight vest on...~23:00 (didn't really time it, just looked at the clock)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014



We definitely pushed my body to the limits this week. After today's work...I absolutely NEED a rest day.

1 Session: W/ Teammates 
A. SqT Clean + Hang SqT Clean ; build in this complex 
*hit 315#, just missed the catch on the hang clean at 335#

B. Front Sqt - 3RM + 3x3@90%
*335# was plenty...legs are still soooo shot from that damn 20 min AB ride...then 3x3@ 300#

C. 3 rds @80%
10 Strict HSPU
400m Run 
10 Thrusters (115/83)
15 T2B
*12:18, everything unbroken except last set of HSPU's (6/2/2). Forearms are cramping up after the sets of T2B! Between pull-ups yesterday and the T2B today, first real forearm burn in a while.

2nd Session: 
KB SqT Cleans (70) *each hand
burpee box jump overs (24)
50’ HEAVY Yoke Carry after each rd above. End on this as well 
*10:00, was NOT looking forward to these KB SqT Cleans...they sucked, but tried to stay steady. Low back is definitely lit up now, so your low back threshold phase is working I guess.

B. 2 mile Run @80%
*half mile in...calves cramped up wicked bad...I think it's just the shift from my regular routine this week. I've been getting up at 5:00am to do some painting before work so I haven't had my usual big breakfast, then I don't get to bed until 10:30'ish...just thrown off. Don't have any food for the week. I'm just outta whack this week. Terrible nutrition an everything...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


A. 10RM TnG Power Clean
*hit 245#, tried 275# and got 6 reps

B. Deadlift - 3x5 @75-82%
*done at 390# (78%)

4 rds 
400m Row 
30 Double Unders
20 Pullups 
10 Box jumps (30/24)
rest 4 min between rounds  
*done, 22:10. Did 15 pull-ups per round instead of 20. Felt alright on the shoulder

D. Recovery Work 

Monday, September 8, 2014


A. 1 min Sprint on AB  x 3; rest 6 min between 

B. Seated Strict Press (bb) -  build to 3RM + 2x3@90%
*built to 137.5 (new PR), then 2x3@ 122.5#

C. 20 min max calories on AB - GO GO GO , dark place here 
*320 Cals. "20 min" and "GO GO GO, dark place here" ...don't go together...just so we're clear. Haha. I mean, pushed as aggressively as I realistically could. My legs are dead. Clearly, since I cramped up while running later. But what I realized afterwards is that I dreaded this beforehand, thought I would be absolutely dead and not functional afterwards, but I was breathing easy not too long afterwards. That felt good.

A. Snatch Balance - 10 min of work, stay light, ease shoulder back in, nothing crazy. keep me posted on feel of this please 
*worked up slowly. Built to 155#, and that is my absolute max right now. Shoulder felt completely unstable at this weight.

B. 10 min of Strict Muscle up work; weighted if need be 
*this actually kinda made me too sore today. I could only do 4 before I was too weak to do any more. Tried, but failed.

C. 15 min of running
200m @90%
200m @50-60%
*fourth round in...cramped and seized up so bad in my quads that I fell down and was forced to sit for a while, wobble into the gym, sat down for another 10 minutes before my legs released the cramp. I'm still feeling it right now at 9:30...legs are so dead and heavy.

D. TGU Work; light, stability focus
*too much shoulder stuff today to try these. My shoulder is quite inflamed. Even Kasey was shocked that I am actually icing my shoulder right now. I never do things like that. So I guess I would say I'm in pain right now. But nothing serious...just want to figure out if I should continue doing things I am "able" to do, or if those things are just going to prolong my healing...but I don't know how long the healing process would take if I continue to rest's so frustrating.

Friday, September 5, 2014



A. Snatch ; no higher than 60kg for singles…..10-12 min worth, just feeling out shoulder, tight positions etc
*built to 135, felt fine, was able to stabilize no problem with the lighter weight. But I can definitely still tell that if I didn't catch it perfectly, the bar would instantly dropped on my head as I would not be able to try to pull the bar back into position without ripping out my shoulder...😐

B. Landmine Strict Press 8-10 reps each side x 4 sets 

C. 4 rds 
400m Run
10 Strict T2B

D. 10 min of Strict Muscle ups *feel out shoulder here 
*done, could only do 8, felt ok after the first couple.

E. 45 min Row @ 1:52 pace
*never want to do this again. Don't know if it was the heat/humidity today, or what, but I was absolutely boiling by the time I got to 6,000m. I had to stop and let my body cool down a bit. Ended up doing 11,000/~11,600 that I was supposed to do. But I held the 1:52 for the first 6,000m which I was pumped about. That's probably around my 5k PR and then I was able to go for another thousand, so that's good.
Body was just too damn hot to hold the 1:52 the whole time. Tried to stay around a 1:55-1:58 the rest of the way after 6k.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


A. Power Clean (from high blocks) 2.2.2 cluster; rest :15 between ; build to max 
* built to 225#

*this was a lovely 45 mins...not/it was 

amrap 9
row 250m 
20 double unders
15 box jumps (20) step down 
*4 rds + row, DU's and 4 box jumps

rest 4 min 
amrap 12 
5 Deadlift (255)
30’ burpee broad jump
60’ OH Walking Lunge (45 plate)
30’ bear crawl 
*6 rds

rest 5 min 
15 min on rower 
1 min on HARD
:30 on easy 
*just kept moving the whole time, ~3,500m, was around 1:45-1:50 for the hard and around 3:00 for the easy

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


A1. CG Deadlift 3-3-3-3 @65-70% of 1RM DL ; rest 1:30
A2. Seated Barbell Strict Press ; 4x4; ascending to max ; rest 1:30
*built to 135

B. 800m Run with Heavy Sandbag 
*this absolutely sucked, used about a 100# was so hot and humid, brutal

C. 10 min light Row @Z1

A. Snatch Deadlift - deficit - build to heavy triple here in 15 or so min 
*built to 315

B. SA DB Row 6-8 reps x 4 sets each side 
*done with 75#

C1. 4 x 12 Barbell Bicep Curls 
*used the fat bar (65#)

C2. 4x15 tricep band press downs 
*used the green Rogue band

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Morning rehab

Calories Airdyne 
Box Jumps (30) - step down , no rebound 
*15:45, man this sucked. Holy box jumps.

B. 5RM - weighted pullup + 2x5 @90%
*built to BW+53#'s (PR), then 2x5 at 45#

C. 21-15-9 
russian KB Swings (106) *if you have this heavy. keep me posted on this 
*4:40, ended up doing 30-20-10 of each with a 70# KB 


Morning rehab

A1. CG Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 @70-75% OF 1RM DEADLIFT 
*done at 365, and while wearing a 25# wt vest

A2. Weighted GHD Situps 5x10 ; rest 23 min 
*done wearing a 25# wt vest. First time I did these with the full range I motion and felt confident that my back wouldn't hit the next day. Abs feel shredded from this, need to do this once a week for sure! Love it!

1k Row - TT
rest 9 min 
500m - AFAP
rest 6 min 
400m Run - afap 
*1k= 3:12 (PR)
500= 1:31 (PR)
400= 1:17

C. DB SA Row - 5-7 reps x 5 sets each side 
*done with 75# DB 


Started with morning shoulder rehab work

A. OHS - 5x3 @ 80%; across 
*done at 185, didn't feel confident at all with this. Too weak to stabilize without complete control.

B1. Brand Tri Press Down 4 x 30; rest 1 min 
B2. DB Hammer Curl 4 x 15; rest 1 min 
*done, definitely like doing this combo to get the beach arms! Haha

C. 10 min AB Test
*just make sure to record which machine u used, use same for future tests 
**257 Cals! On the Airdyne

D. LIGHT TGU work, working shoulder back in 
*skipped based on how I felt with the OHS

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A. Strict Press - 1RM + drop to heavy 5 rep 
*152.5, new PR! Then 1 x 5 @ 135

B. Bench Press - 2sec pause 1 inch off chest, build to heavy triple 
*built to 215

C. EMOM x 21
1: 15 wall balls
2-3; 15 burpees ; rest remainder 

D. TGU - heavy 3 rep per arm 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


A. EMOM x 20 min x 2 reps of  - sqT Clean + Push Jerk ; x @70-80% ascending 
*quite possibly one of the worst workouts I've ever done...stayed between 220-255...hit 34/40 in the 20 mins, had to skip a minute or two to catch breath

B. Bench - 1RM with 2 second pause on chest ; build in 12-15 min 
*was able to build to 225

C. OHS - 5RM for the day 
*time restricted a bit, did 255 but could've done more with more time

D. 10 min bike recovery 

4 rds 
25 Wall Balls (20)
20 box jumps (24)
25 GHD Situps
200m Row 
25 Double Unders 
rest 5 min btwn rds 

Rd1: 3:36
Rd2: 12:04 (3:28)
Rd3: 20:53 (3:49)
Rd4: 29:36 (3:43)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


A. Clean x 2 + FS + Split Jerk ; build 
*built to 315#

B. Clean Pull  x 3 reps x 3 sets @160kg (352); not TnG 
*done, with intent!

C. emom x 10
odd: max strict pullups
even: :30 sprint on AD; legs only 

A. Snatch Deadlift Complex 
1 pull to below knee - 2 second pause
1 pull to mid thigh - 2 sec pause 
1 snatch pull @110% 
; climb to 120kg on this, climbing every 5kg from 100kg
*build motor patterns here 

thrusters (105)
bar lateral burpees 
C2B pullups 
*7:59, beforehand I had said that 8:00 would probably be a pretty good time, and I went 7:59! I'm pretty good guessing what I'll be able to do. But burpees still crush me and slow me down. I only broke up the set of 15 pull-ups (8/7) to save my hands as much as I could...

Monday, July 21, 2014


A. 10 min on AD
:30 on hard 
:30 on easy 

3 x :20 sprints on AD; rest 2 min between

B. Snatch complex; 
pull  x 2 + snatch x 2 + OHS x 2
*The snatch’s are NOT TnG; reset hips and go 
*built to 205#, felt plenty heavy enough today...

C. OHS - 2 rep @4321; build 
*built to 245#

D. Snatch Grip Strict Press - build to 3RM +2x3@90% 
*built to 105#

A. Bench Press - 5RM + 1x5@95 + 1x5@90
*built to 205, then did 195/185

B. Behind neck Push Jerk ; build to heavy 3 
*built to 225

C. emom x10
odd: max muscle ups
even: 10-12 pistols alternating 
*MU's - 12/5/5/5/6, hands are torn to shit!

D. 5x5 strict HSPU; weight/height accordingly 
*no added weight, 1-2" deficit

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



A. CG Deadlift - 10RM

B. 5RM weighted Pullup
*BW + 45#

C1. Tricep Band press down 10-15 reps x 4 sets; rest 1 min 
*done, green band (2")

C2. DB Hammer Curl 5-7 reps heavy x 4 sets; rest 1 min 
*done, 30# DB's

D. EMOM x 5
6 muscle ups each minute OTM
*6,6,5,5,2/2 (4 afterwards), this was incredibly tough after the little beach body superset, haha, but I used to do 30 MUs within 4:00

E. EMOM x 10
odd: 20 Double unders + 3 burpee bar muscle ups
even: 100m SPRINT

F. 10 min of Lower back Strength work 
*done, did reverse hypers and GHD hip extensions (real ones, not "CF" ones)



A. 600m Row x 5; rest 3 min between @80-85% sustainability here; waking up the body 
*done @1:46 pace

B. Bench Press - build to 5RM + 1x5@95 + 1x5@90
*built to 205, then 195, 185

C. 20 min AB
:30 on hard
:20 on easy
*done, challenged myself and made it pretty hard

rest a bit
A. Strict Press - 3RM + 1x3@90 _ 1x3@80
*built to 135, then 120, 107.5

B. emom x 20
odd: :35 on AB
even: 12 burpees 
*done, great challenge, felt good. Last three sets of burpees began to get slower (~:25, instead of :21)

C. TGU Work - focus on shoulder stability and positioning; help that shoulder out as well 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



A. 7 x 400m run @ a 1:20 pace, rest 1:30
*1:14, 1:16, 1:19, 1:24, 1:25, 1:28, 1:28

B. 5 x 500m row @ 1:48 pace, rest 2:00
*done, all under

C. 30 mins recovery AB @ 60%

Shoulder's still feeling pretty shitty. I felt it on the rowing even. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014



A. Strict Press - 3 x 2.2.2 cluster, :15 between

AMRAP 8 @80%
- 200m Row
- 10 Burpees 
- 5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups (medball between legs) 
*4 rds +200m

Rest 8 mins

- 40 DUs
- 20 Cals on the bike
- 10 TTB
*3 rds + 60

Rest 1 min

3 min max Cals on AD

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Session 1: (7am-9am)
8 x 400m Run on the 3min - hit a decent number and sustain it
*1:25-1:28 every run, happy about that

B. Clean - climb to a heavy triple, not TnG
*315, had visions of doing 335 before I started for some reason, haha, but this was plenty tough enough

C. Bounding - 4 bounds fwd, max ht, build

D. 7 min recovery row

Session 2: (10am - 12pm)
A. Deficit Clean Pull - 3 x 3 @ 105%, with intent! (Haha)
*used 365

B. Strict Pull Ups - 3 x max with a 40X0 tempo
*9, 7, 8

10 min clock
- 1k Row
- 50 GHDSU
- 25 Thrusters (95)
- with time remaining, complete as many Burpee Box Jump Overs (24)
*10 BBJO's, GHDSU's took forever cause I was cramping up so badly in my (literally took 5 mins...)
**row- 3:25
**ghdsus- 8:10
**thrusters- 9:10 (forced myself to go UB)
**bbjos- 10



10 rds
-10 burpees AFAP
-20 Cals on the AD @80%
*22 mins

B. Snatch - 1@77, 1@82, 1@87, 1@80, 1@85, 1@90, 1@83, 1@88, 1@93
*212.5, 225, 240, 220, 235, 247.5, 227.5, 242, 255
*no misses, felt really solid

C1. Weighted Strict HSPU's - go as heavy as possible with a weight vest
10 x 2-3 reps at a 45# plate deficit
*started with a 20 lbs vest...way too heavy, kept dropping more and more each set because I couldn't get the 2-3 reps. This was really hard but great hypertrophy!

C2. Standing box jumps with the weighted vest - x2
*used the same weight as HSPUs, kept adding a little bit of height as the weight decreased. Started at 40" and ended up at 46" with an 8lbs vest

D. Jerk Hold - 5 x :20
*205, 215, 225, 235, 245

EMOM x 10
Odd: 5-7 MU's 
*7, 7, 5, 4/1, 3/2
Even: :25 AD Sprint
*this was definitely tough!

Friday, June 20, 2014



A. Sotts Press- build to a heavy triple

B. 2 Cleans + 3 Jerks- build to a heavy weight

C. Snatch Grip Deadlift- deficit- 5RM
*295 w/ a 4" deficit

D. 30 min Row @1:55

Thursday, June 19, 2014



Session 1:
A. Bench Press- Build to a daily 5RM

B. Strict Press- Build to a heavy single

50 Ring Dips
50 Burpees

Session 2:
A. Back Squat- build to a heavy single @ a 55X1 tempo

B. Front Squat- build to a heavy triple

5 rds
20 Cals AD
20 Triple Unders
20 Alt Pistols (weighted)
*didnt keep any sort of time. Just spent the majority working on those damn triple unders...! Reminds me of learning doubles again...woof

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Session 1: 
A1. Deadlift - heavy triple w/ chains
*built to 315 on the bar + ~80#'s worth of chains

A2. High standing box jump x2 reps
*built up to 50" x2 reps

B. EMOM x 10
20 DU's + 8-10 C2B
*done, everything UB, did 8 C2B every minute because they scare me still...haha, but I actually felt really good and probably could do more next time

C. DB SA Row 8-10 reps per side x 4 sets; rest :30 between 
*done with 55#

Session 2:
map Training - sustainable pace throughout
amrap 10 
10m HS walk
10 tng power cleans (95)
20 double unders
*7 rds

rest 4 min 

amrap 10 
10 Thrusters (93)
5 muscle ups
60’ burped broad jump
*5 rds

rest 4

amrap 10 
10 Cal AB
15 Box Jumps (24) step down 
10 T2B
15 KB Swings (53)



Session 1: (10:00 - 11:45)
A. 500m Row x 6, rest 3 mins @1:50 pace

B. 15-12-9-6-3 Strict HSPU's, rest as needed

C. Back Squat (w/ chains) - build to a 4RM @32X1 tempo
*built up to 335 + chains (~50#'s)

D. Recovery AD 7-10 mins

Session 2: 
*no time on Mondays really, I'm too busy. I'll make it up on Wednesday.

Friday, June 13, 2014



Classes were doing 100 burpees today, so I hopped in with the 9:00's to set a 6:00 pace for some members looking to PR. Had a 10:00 time cap with an AMRAP DU's with any time remaining on the clock. Did 250+ DU's

Then went right into the 30 mins of Rowing @ a 1:55 pace.
*7922m total, killed it! Haha

Then did the 30 mins on the AB @ 70-80%

Good day of CARDIO

Thursday, June 12, 2014



Session 1:
A. Clean + hang clean + front squat + jerk (build to a heavy weight in complex)
*hit 285 no problem, missed the jerk with 305 and 315. I just need to get back to practicing the jerk to feel more comfortable

B. 3 x 5 Strict Press @ 90% of Monday's 5RM
*done @ 115#

C. 1/2 kneeling DB Strict Press, 4 x 8-10
*done w/ a 40# DB

D. HS hold, :30 on :30 rest

Session 2:
400m run
30 KB Swings (53)
200m Row
3 minute rest
x 4
*done, 3:35 every round

B. 10 Min Max Cals on the AB
*187 Cals

C. 10 mins of strict MU work
*I'm not going to lie, doing strict MU's always excruciatingly hurt my elbows. Don't know why, but I don't do them bc of it. So I just did strict ring pull ups and dips

Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Morning breakfast sandwich

Session 1: (10:00-11:45am)
A. 300m Row x 10, rest 1 min between

B. CG Deficit Deadlift - 2-4" deficit
*built to 305 x 5, then a set at 335 x 3

C. Hang Power Snatch: build to a heavy triple
*done at 225, felt easy, probably could've done more. When I'm more fresh.

Post workout shake with quadricarb and creatine

Whole Foods Burrito
Coconut Water

Session 2: (7:20pm)
@80-85% AE
2 mins burpee box jump overs 
2 mins Cal Row
2 mins - run 400m
2 mins rest
Repeat x 3
Rest 3 mins between transition to:
2 mins strict pull ups
2 mins box jumps (step down)
2 mins HS Hold
2 mins rest
Repeat x 3
*done, cramping up after the first part, tired and ready for bed!

Post workout shake with quadricarb and creatine

3 Meat Chili with White Rice



Session 1:
A. 500m Row x 5, rest 3 min between @ 1:52 pace

B. Shoulder stability work

C. 10 min AB - @ 60% recovery

Session 2:
A. Strict Press - 5RM

B. 90% of A 1x5

C. Weighted Ring Dip - 5RM

50 DU
10 Cal AB
40 DU
20 Cal AB
30 DU
30 Cal AB
20 DU
40 Cal AB
10 DU
50 Cal AB

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


AM Session

Changed to: 5 x 60 cal row, rest 3 mins between
*done, rowing for calories really sucks...I think I found that just staying a steady, but aggressive pace the whole way works best for me.

PM Session
Mid-Hang Snatch Pulls: 4 x 2 @ 100-110% of max hang snatch
*done at 275

Snatch Balance: 4 x 1 @ 90-105% of max Hang Snatch
*built up and done at 275

EMOM x 10
Even: 14 alt. Pistols
Odd: 5 Hang Power Cleans
*done, felt smooth and good


EMOM x 10 Bar-Facing Burpees 
3 Strict HSPUs 
*Posted Video. HSPUs got spicy, but was able to do it except for one round...made up the rep at the end.  

Rest 10 mins

3 rds for time:
- 30 UB Wall Balls
- 25 Ring Dips
- 10 Calorie Row (max effort)
- :30 rest
*10:25 total time. Posted Video. Felt a lot better than what I thought 75 ring dips was going to feel like, that's for sure.


AM Session
3:00 on Airdyne x 3 @ 110%, rest 12 minutes between
*74 Cals/78/78, felt pretty good

PM Session
Hang Snatch 1 x 2 @ 70%(192.5#); 2 x 2 @ 75%(207.5#); 3 x 1 @ 85%(230#)
*done, no misses

Front Squats: 5 x 2-3 @ 85%(~315#)

Rest 10 mins

EMOM x 10
Even:  5 burpees + 200' sprint (100' out and 100' back)
Odd:  2 Legless Rope Climbs
*done, felt good on the rope climbs


Max UB MUs x2, rest 10 mins between

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Saturday, 5/10/14

Didn't eat anything all morning cause I had four sessions in a row...

Quick bite to eat (turkey and cheese sandwich) before working out

11:30am - AM Session

5 rds: 
- 5-7 HSPUs w/ 10# weight vest and at 2" deficit
- 200m run
*done around 8:30. Sucked. Had to take the vest off to complete the workout. Shoulders are still fried.

5 rds:
- 1 rope climb
- 10 burpees
- 250m row
- All w/ a weight vest on (used the same 10# vest, and did the rope climbs legless)
- rest 1/1
*took about 1:25/rd

Rolled right into the PM Session...

Front squats: EMOM x 10 - 5 reps @ 75% (~275)
*rds 1-4= 275, rds 5-10= 255
That was miserable

B. Tabata Handstand Hold 
*done, this was really challenging, but I did it!

16 mins on the rower
:40 hard
:20 OFF
*done, 3,300m total

Post nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

Can't wait to sleep. Body feels like jello!

Friday, May 9, 2014


7:45am - 
- coffee

8:00am - AM Session
A. Build to a heavy Hang Snatch Double
*built up to 255

Coach class

10:00-11:40 - rest of AM Session

B. 50 burpees AFAP, rest :30, then max distance HS Walk
*burpees= 2:03, then only got 60'...if I had a longer straightaway I could've done more I think, but I tried to turn around on my hands and fell

C. EMOM x 21
1 - 10 pistol box jumps
2 - 5 UB MUs
3 - 7 UB HPCs (175)
*done, felt really good, started fatiguing in last sets

D. 2k Row
*done, 7:30 

Post Nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

Coach class

1:30pm - lunch
- breakfast sandwich

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Wednesday, 5/7/14


7:20am- breakfast
- breakfast sandwich
- water

8:00am - AM Session

A. 1 max set of strict HSPUs, 1 min rest, then match the same number of reps AFAP.
Rest 10 mins
*rd 1- 18rrps/2:45
Rd 2- 10 reps/1:30

B. Build in a weighted ring dip x5 reps
*built up to BW+41#

10:00am - finish morning session

C. 40 Man Makers (40# DB's)
*didnt really time, somewhere between 9-10 minutes. These were pretty crazy. Definitely putting those in for the class sometime soon, haha.

11:40am- post nutrition(...late because of staff meeting)
-protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine
- turkey, cheese, mayo sandwich

2:00pm - PM Session
AMRAP x 10 @ 80%
10 UB Pull-ups
10 ring dips
200m run
20 DUs 
(*5 rds; ring dips: rds 1-4= 5/5, rd 5= 4/3/3)

Rest 4 mins

AMRAP x 10 @ 90%
250m row
5 MUs
(*4 rds; MUs all UB)

Rest 4 mins

AMRAP x 5 @ 100%
5 strict HSPUs 
5 Hang Power Cleans (185)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
(*2 rds + 4 strict HSPUs; body was cramping up like crazy! Couldn't even walk after a couple minutes into this AMRAP)

Rest 4 mins

AMRAP x 5 @ 110%
AD Test
(*85 Cals. because legs were so tight and cramped!)

Post nutrition:
- protein shake w/ extra scoop of everything
- going to stop and get a chipotle bowl

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Tuesday, 5/6/14


7:20am - breakfast
- breakfast sandwich

10:00am - 12:00pm - AM Session
A. EMOM x 10 = 3 Weighted Strict HSPUs 
*done, used a 20# vest for 8 sets, dropped it to 16# for 9th set, and 12# for 10th set. Beyond frustrating that this is pretty much the one movement that staples me. And ring dips...

B. 5 x 20 UB pull-ups, rest as needed
*done, went every 3 mins.

5 Cals. On Airdyne
30 burpee box jump overs
10 Cals.
20 bbjo
15 Cals.
10 bbjo
*3:26, but somehow I interpreted this without the I only did the box jump overs, sorry.

Post nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

12:30 - lunch
- turkey, cheese, mayo sandwich

2:00-3:30 - nap

4:00 - coach class

7:30-8:30 - PM Session

Pre-A.- did the 60 burpees I missed earlier UB for time= 2:57

A. Back Squat - building, getting something heavy on your back

B. Chipper
20 OHS (135)
30 Thrusters (135)
40 Power Cleans (135
500m row

Post nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine
- buffalo deli chicken, cheese, mayo sandwich
- Kind bar
- water