Wednesday, October 22, 2014


A. 80% x 1 rep x 3 sets back squat 
*done, 355#

B. 560m Row Intervals : @1:38 pace x 5 ; rest 2:45
*done, tough, but felt pretty good and smooth

C. Elevated flat bench : barbell rows 5x7 ; ascending 
*done, not too heavy cause smoked from rowing

A. 5RM back sqT  + 2x5 @93%
*done, 385#, could've gone heavier if I wanted to be psycho, but not the day for it with all the other fitness going on!

B. 4x7 single legs squats ; resting 1 min between legs 
*did Bulgarian squats, hopefully that's what you meant?

C. 800m run x 3; resting 1:30between 
*done, 14:10 total time

D. 20 min row 
0-5 min 
:30 on hard in <1:30 pace
:30 on at light coast
6-10 min 
:40 on @1:55
:20 off
11-15 min 
1 min on HARD
1 min legs in our only 
Hold a 2:00 pace 

*done, really tough to end with this long row, really expected my legs to cramp up badly, especially after the run, but I'm feeling okay right now. Definitely fatigued and spent, good.

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