Monday, April 14, 2014



Wake up at 3:30am
Morning nutrition during 5 and 6am classes:
- Water
- snack on Whole Foods trail mix (peanuts, cashews, raisins, M&M's, yogurt covered raisins, choc chips.)
Breakfast at 7:20am
- breakfast sandwich (two eggs, slice of cheese, strip of bacon, strip of turkey bacon, on an Ezeikiel English muffin)

8:00am - A= ad sprints
Post nutrition: water+5g of creatine malate

Teach 9:00am class
Nutrition: snack on trail mix and water

10:00am: complete rest of am session
B= strict press x 5 (130#)
Strict press x 5 @ 95% of B (125#)
Strict press x 5 @ 90% of B (117.5#)

C= EMOM  x 10 = 6 thrusters (135) + 10 Burpees over bar
*lasted only 5 rounds
Rest 10 mins
AMRAP 10 = 10 thrusters (95) and 5 Muscle Ups
*5 rounds + 12 reps

Post nutrition: water + protein shake and 5g creatine

12:00pm- coach class
Nutrition: water

1:30pm- lunch = grass fed beef bolognase with marinara and sweet potato

2:00pm - nap
3:00pm - wake up
Planned to do bench here but someone walked in and I signed up a new member which took over half an hr...

4:00-7:15pm - coaching classes

7:30-9:00 - pm session
A - Bench Press x 5 (225#)
Bench Press x 5 @ 95% of B (212.5)
Bench Press x 5 @ 90% of B (202.5)

B - axle OH walking lunge - 18 step max weight (175#)

C - 4 rds for time
400m run
15 OHS (115)

Post nutrition:
Protein shake with 5g creatine
Sandwich (turkey, cheese, mayo, on some grain bread)
Three Meat Chili with white rice
Banana and cashew butter

Done! Goodnight!

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