Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A. Strict Press - 1RM + drop to heavy 5 rep 
*152.5, new PR! Then 1 x 5 @ 135

B. Bench Press - 2sec pause 1 inch off chest, build to heavy triple 
*built to 215

C. EMOM x 21
1: 15 wall balls
2-3; 15 burpees ; rest remainder 

D. TGU - heavy 3 rep per arm 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


A. EMOM x 20 min x 2 reps of  - sqT Clean + Push Jerk ; x @70-80% ascending 
*quite possibly one of the worst workouts I've ever done...stayed between 220-255...hit 34/40 in the 20 mins, had to skip a minute or two to catch breath

B. Bench - 1RM with 2 second pause on chest ; build in 12-15 min 
*was able to build to 225

C. OHS - 5RM for the day 
*time restricted a bit, did 255 but could've done more with more time

D. 10 min bike recovery 

4 rds 
25 Wall Balls (20)
20 box jumps (24)
25 GHD Situps
200m Row 
25 Double Unders 
rest 5 min btwn rds 

Rd1: 3:36
Rd2: 12:04 (3:28)
Rd3: 20:53 (3:49)
Rd4: 29:36 (3:43)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


A. Clean x 2 + FS + Split Jerk ; build 
*built to 315#

B. Clean Pull  x 3 reps x 3 sets @160kg (352); not TnG 
*done, with intent!

C. emom x 10
odd: max strict pullups
even: :30 sprint on AD; legs only 

A. Snatch Deadlift Complex 
1 pull to below knee - 2 second pause
1 pull to mid thigh - 2 sec pause 
1 snatch pull @110% 
; climb to 120kg on this, climbing every 5kg from 100kg
*build motor patterns here 

thrusters (105)
bar lateral burpees 
C2B pullups 
*7:59, beforehand I had said that 8:00 would probably be a pretty good time, and I went 7:59! I'm pretty good guessing what I'll be able to do. But burpees still crush me and slow me down. I only broke up the set of 15 pull-ups (8/7) to save my hands as much as I could...

Monday, July 21, 2014


A. 10 min on AD
:30 on hard 
:30 on easy 

3 x :20 sprints on AD; rest 2 min between

B. Snatch complex; 
pull  x 2 + snatch x 2 + OHS x 2
*The snatch’s are NOT TnG; reset hips and go 
*built to 205#, felt plenty heavy enough today...

C. OHS - 2 rep @4321; build 
*built to 245#

D. Snatch Grip Strict Press - build to 3RM +2x3@90% 
*built to 105#

A. Bench Press - 5RM + 1x5@95 + 1x5@90
*built to 205, then did 195/185

B. Behind neck Push Jerk ; build to heavy 3 
*built to 225

C. emom x10
odd: max muscle ups
even: 10-12 pistols alternating 
*MU's - 12/5/5/5/6, hands are torn to shit!

D. 5x5 strict HSPU; weight/height accordingly 
*no added weight, 1-2" deficit

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



A. CG Deadlift - 10RM

B. 5RM weighted Pullup
*BW + 45#

C1. Tricep Band press down 10-15 reps x 4 sets; rest 1 min 
*done, green band (2")

C2. DB Hammer Curl 5-7 reps heavy x 4 sets; rest 1 min 
*done, 30# DB's

D. EMOM x 5
6 muscle ups each minute OTM
*6,6,5,5,2/2 (4 afterwards), this was incredibly tough after the little beach body superset, haha, but I used to do 30 MUs within 4:00

E. EMOM x 10
odd: 20 Double unders + 3 burpee bar muscle ups
even: 100m SPRINT

F. 10 min of Lower back Strength work 
*done, did reverse hypers and GHD hip extensions (real ones, not "CF" ones)



A. 600m Row x 5; rest 3 min between @80-85% sustainability here; waking up the body 
*done @1:46 pace

B. Bench Press - build to 5RM + 1x5@95 + 1x5@90
*built to 205, then 195, 185

C. 20 min AB
:30 on hard
:20 on easy
*done, challenged myself and made it pretty hard

rest a bit
A. Strict Press - 3RM + 1x3@90 _ 1x3@80
*built to 135, then 120, 107.5

B. emom x 20
odd: :35 on AB
even: 12 burpees 
*done, great challenge, felt good. Last three sets of burpees began to get slower (~:25, instead of :21)

C. TGU Work - focus on shoulder stability and positioning; help that shoulder out as well 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



A. 7 x 400m run @ a 1:20 pace, rest 1:30
*1:14, 1:16, 1:19, 1:24, 1:25, 1:28, 1:28

B. 5 x 500m row @ 1:48 pace, rest 2:00
*done, all under

C. 30 mins recovery AB @ 60%

Shoulder's still feeling pretty shitty. I felt it on the rowing even.