Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A. CG Deadlift : climb to heavy 10 rep; maximum not important
*365 w/ straps

B. Seated Good Morning 4x6; ascending (heavy here)

C. tabata Hollow rocks x 8

D.  Landmine Press Work; be smart here. Your choice of rep schemes and sets...ease it in 
*did sets of 8 @ 3030: empty bar/ +5/ +10/ +15, felt appropriate. Couldn't dynamically lower the bar to the floor with my bad shoulder 

E. 200m Reverse sled drag/run..move as fast as you can in this movement
x 4. rest 4 min between ; 15's on each side first rd, 25's on each side on 2nd rd, 35's each side 3rd rd, 45's each side 4th rd 
*done, not too bad

Monday, November 17, 2014


A. Back SqT: 5RM + 2x5@90%
*375, 2x5 @ 335

B. Single Leg (barbell on back) 3 sets each side x 6-8 reps (not approaching failure)
*185, neck tension was kinda hurting by the end of this

400m Run
40 GHD Situps
400m Run 
40 Weighted DB Situps (50)
400m Run
*12:40, GHDSU's kill me! But I love them and need to keep them in my programming weekly to get better at them. Please 😄

C. 10-20 min on bike @70-80%
*15 mins, stayed over 376 Watts the entire time