Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Tuesday, 4/29/14

Morning Nutrition:
- water
- cashews

Coach morning classes

7:00am - AM Session

A. 5 x 500m row @ 1:52 pace
*done, feeling better on the rowing

Build to a 1RM in a Hang Squat Snatch
*hit 265#; missed 275# (will definitely get 275 if not more by Regionals)
...rest 2 mins...then...
3:00 to establish max distance of a handstand walk
*180'; I followed the Regional instructions and stopped after 180' instead of continuing to accumulate feet. I could've gotten more within the 3:00

C. 10 mins. recovery row in Z1

Post nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

Coach 9:00am class

- breakfast sandwich
- turkey, cheese, mayo sandwich
*I did a little intermittent fasting this morning by accident, but felt really good. Starving by this point tho!

2:00pm - nap time

4:00pm - Coach Class

6:00pm - big Snickers Bar

7:15pm - PM Session

- 50 alternating Pistols (25 ea)
- 7 MU's
- 10 Hang Power Cleans (175#)
*9:50; Pistols: UB; MU's: UB; HPC: 5/5, 5/5, 6/4...felt good, but will push it more next time!

Post Nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine
- 3 meat chili w/ white rice
- banana w/ almond butter

All in all, a good first time through everything. Will tackle Day 2 tomorrow!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Sunday, 4/27/14

6:45am - coffee and water until workout

8:00am - first workout
For time:
1k row (3:25)
10 rope climbs (8:00)
10 C&J's (225#) (10:01)
1k run (14:46)
*14:46...this was much worse than I thought it was going to be. Terrible in fact. 

Post Nutrition:
- protein shake: 30g whey, 40g carb (20g sugar), 5g creatine

9:30am - breakfast
- fowl hash at Red Rock (one of our member's restaurant, it is to die for!)

11:30am - second workout
For time:
3 rds (4:40)
7 Deadlift (345#) (rd 1: 7 UB; rd 2: 3/2/2; rd 3: 4/3)
7 MU (rd 1: 4/3; rd 2: 3/2/2; rd 4: 3/2/2)
3 rds (12:15) *this was miserable for me at this point...
11 Burpees (slow, maybe a full minute each round...)
21 TTB (rds 1-3: 6/5/5/5, just took so much time resting between sets)
1 rd (17:30...kind of)
90' handstand walk (never felt this tired before by this point, had to take two breaks but still pretty fast)
60' farmer's carry (175 ea.) (this was "fine", felt heavy but fine)
10 PHSPU (only could do 1 rep...the full body fatigue level I felt at this point was demoralizing)
200m run (probably took me a full minute to run a damn 200, haha)
*Yeaaaa, this was funny. I did 1 PHSPU, attempted to do another one 5 times and just moved on to the final 200m run. Finished the run around 17:30, and probably would've taken me until 30:00 if I had continued attempting the PHSPU's...hahaha.

Post Nutrition:
- protein shake: 30g whey, 40g carb (20g sugar), 5g creatine

Today put me over the edge. I feel absolutely beat up from the past few days. I feel like I went through a Regionals' weekend this weekend. My body is very sore all over. Except my quads. That's about all that's still functional. My hands are shredded. I need to find a way to protect them if I keep this volume of pulling up.

Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow for sure. I know I'm complaining a lot, but I've never done this much volume before. I'm loving it though. I know it's all for the greater good and performance at Regionals!

Awesome job today CFF! You guys were fun to watch. I like the different challenges presented by team events. 

Dinner: Massive Chipotle Bowl!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Saturday, 4/26/14

7:30am - breakfast
- breakfast sandwich
- coffee
- water

Coach some classes

10:30am - AM Session

A. Clean Ladder, starting at 225# and increasing by 10# increments, each attempt is preceded by 5 Lateral Burpees Over-The-Bar

*worked up to 345, and couldn't stand up with 355. Definitely pretty happy with that!

B. 2k Row for time
*6:57, happy with that, I'm not a great rower

Post Nutrition:
- Protein Shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

1:00pm - lunch
- turkey, cheese, mayo sandwich

4:00pm - PM Session
Took a while for me to build up the motivation to do this workout...

25 min. Time Cap:
100 Wall Balls (20#, 10')
100 C2B
100 Pistols
100 1-Arm DB Snatches (70#)

*Got 84 DB Snatches...cruised through wall balls, c2b's took a while but actually felt pretty good, cruised through pistols, as I started the snatches I felt good, but after 20 or so I started cramping up and I got in my head and I felt my left hand blood blister from the pull-ups then the blood blister burst and blood was everywhere...glad I went through that though. I would definitely finish that if I had to do it again.

Time to eat and sleep!

Post Nutrition:
- Protein Shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

Dinner in a bit!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Friday, 4/25/14

Morning Nutrition:
- Coffee
- Slice of toast with cashew butter and two scrambled eggs

Coach 9:00am class

10:15am - Workout

AMRAP 8 @ 80%
10 KB Squat Clean Thrusters (53)
200m Run
*finish the last round
(4 rds)

Rest 4 mins.

AMRAP 10 @ 80%
250m Row
25 DU
(4rds + 80yds)

Rest 4 mins.

AMRAP 12 @ 80%
10 OHS (115)
20 Cals Airdyne 
30' Burpee Broad Jump
(5rds + 2)

Post Nutrition:
- Protein Shake w/ quadricarb and creatine

12:00 - coach class

1:30 - lunch
- Buffalo chicken sandwich

2:30 - private session

7:00 - date night out to eat!

Already consumed by the 100's tomorrow afternoon...should be fun

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Morning Nutrition:
Breakfast sandwich

10:30am - AM Session
A. 10 alternating pistols. Play with different variations: OH (used empty bar), hold kb at chest (53#), 1-arm kb (53#, right and left), regular (done)

B. Standing triple jump for max distance (26' and a few inches)

C. 10RM TnG Snatches (shoulder is feeling a little weak, only used 185, but would love to try 205-225)

200m run (:40)
50 Wall Balls (30#) (30/10/10; 2:45)
400m run (4:45)
25 alternating KB Snatches (70#) (6:30)
800m run (10:20)

*10:20...time breakdown is shown above because I didn't video. When I'm in better running shape this would be under 10:00

Post nutrition:
-protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine
-beef bolognase w/ sweet potato
-banana and cashew butter

I must say, I am in rough shape after these past few days. I felt like I was half assing some stuff today. Idk what it is, but I'm definitely ready for a rest day tomorrow. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, maybe that's it. Therefore...! Time to take a nap right now!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


8:20 - woke up
PB&J sandwich

10:00-11:30 - AM Session
A1. PHSPU, 4 x (-2), 1 min rest between sets
A2. 4 x max L-Sit Hold

20 Thrusters (95)
20 Burpees
20 Cals. on Airdyne

Rest 12 mins


Post nutrition:
Protein shake w/ creatine + Poliquin Qudricarb

Coach 12:00 class

1:30 - PM Session
A. 1RM C&J
Made: 325#
Missed the jerk: 335#

2:30 - lunch
- Chicken and rice bowl w/ sweet potatoes, salsa, sour cream
- banana and cashew butter
- water

Sat in the sun from 2:45-3:30

Coach the 4:00 class 

7:15pm - 8:45pm - continue PM session

B1. Deadlift, 4 x 10 (315#)

B2. Bench Press, 4 x 5 (200#)

C. EMOM x 14
Even: 4 hang power clean & jerks (185#)
Odd: :35 row sprints

Post Nutrition:
- protein shake w/ quadricarb and creatine
- beef bolognase w/ sweet potato
- water

Monday, April 21, 2014


Monday - 4/21/14
Boston Strong
Boston Marathon
Patriot's Day

AM Nutrition:
Breakfast sandwich

A. 100-200-300-400-500-400-300-200-100m row; 1 : 1 rest
*done in 16:00

B. EMOM x 5 = 5 MU
*UB/UB/UB/UB/4-1...will hang on next time

C. Scap Work 

12:30pm - lunch
3 Meat Chili w/ white rice
Trail Mix

2:30 - 
small snickers bar

4:45 - 
coconut water

7:20 -
Small cheese pizza

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Saturday, 4/19/14

Workout 1 - 11:30am

*5:52 (3:30 row, UB Thrusters, UB Pull Ups. Good pace, could've gone faster in competition mindset.)

10 mins rest

12 mins to establish a heavy weight in the complex: 1 high hang clean + 1 below the knees clean + 1 tng clean + 1 jerk
*built up to 255#

Rest a few hours before workout 2

Workout 2 - 3:00pm

Regionals 13.6 Chipper
100 DU
40 T2B
30 Axle S2OH (160#)
90' Axle Front Rack Walking Lunges (160#)

Great day. Great week!

Friday, April 18, 2014


10:00am - am session

A. Squat Clean Thruster ("strict") Ladder, 1 rep every :90, increasing by 10#, starting at 155#. Each rep attempt is preceded by 4 Burpees Over The Bar.

* completed: 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
* missed: 255

B. 10 mins row @ 60%
* done, ~2,600m

1:45pm - pm session

A. 30 Burpee MU's for time
* 5:45

Thursday, April 17, 2014


7:00am - wake up
7:30 - breakfast
- eggs, sweet potato home fries, apple sauce

10:00am - 12:00pm - am session

A. Work Up To A Heavy Weight in the Complex: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS
* done at 235#

B. 4 x 15 Clean Grip Snatch (building)
* 65, 75, 85, 95 (definitely too light, but I didn't know! Next time)

C. 22 mins Row - :30 HARD :30 Easy
* ~6,000m total

Post Nutrition - protein shake + 5g creatine

Coach 12:00pm class

1:20 - Lunch
* Grass Fed Beef Bolgnase (sweet potato, marinara sauce, beef)
* trail mix 
* water

2:00 - 3:15pm - nap

Coach 4:00pm class

7:00 - 8:00pm - pm session

A. 5 rds of Cindy @ 80%
* 3:31

B. Ad x 30 mins - :30 @ 80%, :30 coast
* done, tough, but feels great afterwards!

Post Nutrition:
* Chicken and Rice Mexican Bowl
* Turkey, mayo, and cheese sandwich
* Blueberries
* Water

Good day today. Feeling good. Goodnight!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


4:15am - wake up
Coach 5am and 6am classes
Nutrition- water and macadamia nuts

7:20am- breakfast
Breakfast sandwich

Coach 9am class
Nutrition- water and macadamia nuts

10am - am session
Pre/During Nutrition- 5g creatine w/ water

A. 8 x 500m row (rest 3:30)
Splits: 1:38/1:38/1:37/1:37/1:36/1:38/1:40/1:39

B. 5RM Hang Power Clean
*done at 255#

C. 20 TGU
*done with 1 pood

Post Nutrition: protein shake w/ 5g creatine

Coach 12:00pm class
Nutrition- water and some trail mix

1:20 - Lunch
Chicken and Rice Bowl (~1lbs.+ chicken; ~1.5 cups white rice; salsa; guac; sour cream)
Banana and blueberries

2:00-3:15 - nap time

Coach 4:00pm class

6:15-8:00pm - pm session

A. Max C2B's = 25 reps, 1 min rest, repeat number = 1:27 (5/5/3/2/2/2/2/2/2)

B1. Deadlift 6RM tng ("heavy") = 345#
B2. L-Sit Hold 5 x :30= I broke these up into 2 x :15 each

AMRAP 10 @ 90%
5 tng Power Cleans (165)
10 tng box jumps (24)
15 AD Cals
* 6 rds + 5 reps

Rest 4 mins

AMRAP 10 @ 95%
10m HS Walk
10 HPC (115)
10 alternating pistols
* 6 rds + 17 reps

Rest 4 mins

AMRAP 10 @ 100%
10 DB Thrusters (40)
40 DU's
10 C2B
* 3 rds + 56 reps

D. DB single arm Row 5-7 reps x 4 sets
* done

E. Scap work
* done

Post Nutrition:
Protein Shake + 5g creatine
Sandwich (deli chicken; cheese; mayo; grain bread)
Banana + cashew butter

Tough couple of days! Feeling like I'm on the right path though and feeling great about it!


Monday, April 14, 2014



Wake up at 3:30am
Morning nutrition during 5 and 6am classes:
- Water
- snack on Whole Foods trail mix (peanuts, cashews, raisins, M&M's, yogurt covered raisins, choc chips.)
Breakfast at 7:20am
- breakfast sandwich (two eggs, slice of cheese, strip of bacon, strip of turkey bacon, on an Ezeikiel English muffin)

8:00am - A= ad sprints
Post nutrition: water+5g of creatine malate

Teach 9:00am class
Nutrition: snack on trail mix and water

10:00am: complete rest of am session
B= strict press x 5 (130#)
Strict press x 5 @ 95% of B (125#)
Strict press x 5 @ 90% of B (117.5#)

C= EMOM  x 10 = 6 thrusters (135) + 10 Burpees over bar
*lasted only 5 rounds
Rest 10 mins
AMRAP 10 = 10 thrusters (95) and 5 Muscle Ups
*5 rounds + 12 reps

Post nutrition: water + protein shake and 5g creatine

12:00pm- coach class
Nutrition: water

1:30pm- lunch = grass fed beef bolognase with marinara and sweet potato

2:00pm - nap
3:00pm - wake up
Planned to do bench here but someone walked in and I signed up a new member which took over half an hr...

4:00-7:15pm - coaching classes

7:30-9:00 - pm session
A - Bench Press x 5 (225#)
Bench Press x 5 @ 95% of B (212.5)
Bench Press x 5 @ 90% of B (202.5)

B - axle OH walking lunge - 18 step max weight (175#)

C - 4 rds for time
400m run
15 OHS (115)

Post nutrition:
Protein shake with 5g creatine
Sandwich (turkey, cheese, mayo, on some grain bread)
Three Meat Chili with white rice
Banana and cashew butter

Done! Goodnight!