Tuesday, September 30, 2014


A. :20 sprint on AB x 10; rest 1:30between 

B. 10 min on rower 
:30 on hard 
:30 on easy 

A. Muscle Snatch; 10-12 min of work here. 
*does this work on shoulder, since no “snap” to it. Text me on thoughts on this 
*did a set of 10 reps @ 65,75,85,95,105, felt fine.

B. Seated BB strict Press - 5RM +2x5@90%
*5RM = 130#, failed @ 135#
2x5 @ 115#

C. 21-15-9
Strict HSPU
cal on AB 
HSPUs - 15/3/3; 9/3/2/1; 6/1/1/1

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A. Snatch Pull (just contact and extension; don’t worry about bending and loading shoulder) (above knee) 5x5 @105% ish 
*basically a deadlift from there and bump w/ extension
*done @ 315#

B. w/ 12lb vest on
200m Sled Push (100#) (4x 25’s) on sled 
20 Strict pullups
200m Sled Push (75#) *yes odd weight on a side 
40 Ring Rows (feet up on box)
200m sled push (50#)
60 GHD Situps
200m Sled Push (25#)
80 UB Double Unders 
200m Sled Push (sled only)
100' Front Rack Walking Lunge (185)
*29:30...I'm fried. 

Also hopped in with Rachel this morning on the EMOM x 14
Odd: deficit HSPUs (alternated between 2"- 3" strict x 6 and parallette kipping x4)
Even: 100m sandbag run (60#)
*Tiring, but felt good.

Monday, September 15, 2014


A. Back SqT - build to 3RM @32X1
* 350#

B. 3x3 @90% of A at your normal Tempo
* 315#

C. 10 min AB Test - PR this
* 170 Cals. Hadn't done the 10 mins on the Assault Bike before, but now we have the right screens, so I had given myself a goal of 180, and I certainly tried! I am now starting to really hate the AB! In a good way I guess. I have a pretty bad lung burn from this, I've got air bubbles in my ears from being off equilibrium, haha. And my legs are gassed of course...

A. Landmine Press Work - 12 min of strength work 
*built in sets of 10 with 5# increases up to 35#, then did a drop set on the way down...shoulders=smoked. Good change of pace. Good hypertrophy, and I liked getting away from the barbell.

2 min of burpees
2 min of wall balls (20)
2 min of box jump overs (24)
2 min of Cal Row 
rest 4 min x 2 
*done. A little dead from the bike still, but kept moving.

C. Crossover Symmetry Work 



Did a 10 RFT workout
- 40yds Prowler Push (low handle x20yds, high handle x20yds) (70# on each post)
- 18 UB DU's
- 6 Burpees
- 6 GHDSU's 
*All with a 30# weight vest on...~23:00 (didn't really time it, just looked at the clock)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014



We definitely pushed my body to the limits this week. After today's work...I absolutely NEED a rest day.

1 Session: W/ Teammates 
A. SqT Clean + Hang SqT Clean ; build in this complex 
*hit 315#, just missed the catch on the hang clean at 335#

B. Front Sqt - 3RM + 3x3@90%
*335# was plenty...legs are still soooo shot from that damn 20 min AB ride...then 3x3@ 300#

C. 3 rds @80%
10 Strict HSPU
400m Run 
10 Thrusters (115/83)
15 T2B
*12:18, everything unbroken except last set of HSPU's (6/2/2). Forearms are cramping up after the sets of T2B! Between pull-ups yesterday and the T2B today, first real forearm burn in a while.

2nd Session: 
KB SqT Cleans (70) *each hand
burpee box jump overs (24)
50’ HEAVY Yoke Carry after each rd above. End on this as well 
*10:00, was NOT looking forward to these KB SqT Cleans...they sucked, but tried to stay steady. Low back is definitely lit up now, so your low back threshold phase is working I guess.

B. 2 mile Run @80%
*half mile in...calves cramped up wicked bad...I think it's just the shift from my regular routine this week. I've been getting up at 5:00am to do some painting before work so I haven't had my usual big breakfast, then I don't get to bed until 10:30'ish...just thrown off. Don't have any food for the week. I'm just outta whack this week. Terrible nutrition an everything...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


A. 10RM TnG Power Clean
*hit 245#, tried 275# and got 6 reps

B. Deadlift - 3x5 @75-82%
*done at 390# (78%)

4 rds 
400m Row 
30 Double Unders
20 Pullups 
10 Box jumps (30/24)
rest 4 min between rounds  
*done, 22:10. Did 15 pull-ups per round instead of 20. Felt alright on the shoulder

D. Recovery Work 

Monday, September 8, 2014


A. 1 min Sprint on AB  x 3; rest 6 min between 

B. Seated Strict Press (bb) -  build to 3RM + 2x3@90%
*built to 137.5 (new PR), then 2x3@ 122.5#

C. 20 min max calories on AB - GO GO GO , dark place here 
*320 Cals. "20 min" and "GO GO GO, dark place here" ...don't go together...just so we're clear. Haha. I mean, pushed as aggressively as I realistically could. My legs are dead. Clearly, since I cramped up while running later. But what I realized afterwards is that I dreaded this beforehand, thought I would be absolutely dead and not functional afterwards, but I was breathing easy not too long afterwards. That felt good.

A. Snatch Balance - 10 min of work, stay light, ease shoulder back in, nothing crazy. keep me posted on feel of this please 
*worked up slowly. Built to 155#, and that is my absolute max right now. Shoulder felt completely unstable at this weight.

B. 10 min of Strict Muscle up work; weighted if need be 
*this actually kinda made me too sore today. I could only do 4 before I was too weak to do any more. Tried, but failed.

C. 15 min of running
200m @90%
200m @50-60%
*fourth round in...cramped and seized up so bad in my quads that I fell down and was forced to sit for a while, wobble into the gym, sat down for another 10 minutes before my legs released the cramp. I'm still feeling it right now at 9:30...legs are so dead and heavy.

D. TGU Work; light, stability focus
*too much shoulder stuff today to try these. My shoulder is quite inflamed. Even Kasey was shocked that I am actually icing my shoulder right now. I never do things like that. So I guess I would say I'm in pain right now. But nothing serious...just want to figure out if I should continue doing things I am "able" to do, or if those things are just going to prolong my healing...but I don't know how long the healing process would take if I continue to rest it...it's so frustrating.

Friday, September 5, 2014



A. Snatch ; no higher than 60kg for singles…..10-12 min worth, just feeling out shoulder, tight positions etc
*built to 135, felt fine, was able to stabilize no problem with the lighter weight. But I can definitely still tell that if I didn't catch it perfectly, the bar would instantly dropped on my head as I would not be able to try to pull the bar back into position without ripping out my shoulder...😐

B. Landmine Strict Press 8-10 reps each side x 4 sets 

C. 4 rds 
400m Run
10 Strict T2B

D. 10 min of Strict Muscle ups *feel out shoulder here 
*done, could only do 8, felt ok after the first couple.

E. 45 min Row @ 1:52 pace
*never want to do this again. Don't know if it was the heat/humidity today, or what, but I was absolutely boiling by the time I got to 6,000m. I had to stop and let my body cool down a bit. Ended up doing 11,000/~11,600 that I was supposed to do. But I held the 1:52 for the first 6,000m which I was pumped about. That's probably around my 5k PR and then I was able to go for another thousand, so that's good.
Body was just too damn hot to hold the 1:52 the whole time. Tried to stay around a 1:55-1:58 the rest of the way after 6k.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


A. Power Clean (from high blocks) 2.2.2 cluster; rest :15 between ; build to max 
* built to 225#

*this was a lovely 45 mins...not/it was 

amrap 9
row 250m 
20 double unders
15 box jumps (20) step down 
*4 rds + row, DU's and 4 box jumps

rest 4 min 
amrap 12 
5 Deadlift (255)
30’ burpee broad jump
60’ OH Walking Lunge (45 plate)
30’ bear crawl 
*6 rds

rest 5 min 
15 min on rower 
1 min on HARD
:30 on easy 
*just kept moving the whole time, ~3,500m, was around 1:45-1:50 for the hard and around 3:00 for the easy

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


A1. CG Deadlift 3-3-3-3 @65-70% of 1RM DL ; rest 1:30
A2. Seated Barbell Strict Press ; 4x4; ascending to max ; rest 1:30
*built to 135

B. 800m Run with Heavy Sandbag 
*this absolutely sucked, used about a 100# sandbag...today was so hot and humid, brutal

C. 10 min light Row @Z1

A. Snatch Deadlift - deficit - build to heavy triple here in 15 or so min 
*built to 315

B. SA DB Row 6-8 reps x 4 sets each side 
*done with 75#

C1. 4 x 12 Barbell Bicep Curls 
*used the fat bar (65#)

C2. 4x15 tricep band press downs 
*used the green Rogue band