Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Morning rehab

Calories Airdyne 
Box Jumps (30) - step down , no rebound 
*15:45, man this sucked. Holy box jumps.

B. 5RM - weighted pullup + 2x5 @90%
*built to BW+53#'s (PR), then 2x5 at 45#

C. 21-15-9 
russian KB Swings (106) *if you have this heavy. keep me posted on this 
*4:40, ended up doing 30-20-10 of each with a 70# KB 


Morning rehab

A1. CG Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 @70-75% OF 1RM DEADLIFT 
*done at 365, and while wearing a 25# wt vest

A2. Weighted GHD Situps 5x10 ; rest 23 min 
*done wearing a 25# wt vest. First time I did these with the full range I motion and felt confident that my back wouldn't hit the next day. Abs feel shredded from this, need to do this once a week for sure! Love it!

1k Row - TT
rest 9 min 
500m - AFAP
rest 6 min 
400m Run - afap 
*1k= 3:12 (PR)
500= 1:31 (PR)
400= 1:17

C. DB SA Row - 5-7 reps x 5 sets each side 
*done with 75# DB 


Started with morning shoulder rehab work

A. OHS - 5x3 @ 80%; across 
*done at 185, didn't feel confident at all with this. Too weak to stabilize without complete control.

B1. Brand Tri Press Down 4 x 30; rest 1 min 
B2. DB Hammer Curl 4 x 15; rest 1 min 
*done, definitely like doing this combo to get the beach arms! Haha

C. 10 min AB Test
*just make sure to record which machine u used, use same for future tests 
**257 Cals! On the Airdyne

D. LIGHT TGU work, working shoulder back in 
*skipped based on how I felt with the OHS