Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sunday, 4.5.15


A) 750m row for time

3 Rounds
-3 MUs
-6 Snatches (105)
-12 Front Squats (105)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday, 4.4.15


A) Find a max weight in the complex: 12 DEadlifts 9 Hang Cleans 6 Jerks
*Built to 205, felt good and could do more, but shoulders were a bit fatigued from the week's gymnastics work and legs were fatigued from bike sprints yesterday

Partner WOD
200 DU
80 KB Swings
60 Cal Row
60 HSPUs 
80 KB Goblet Squats
200m Prowler Push
*15:30'ish with Kris Keller

Friday, 4.3.15


A) Squat Clean Thruster every :90, increase by 10#, buy-in of 5 bar facing burpees
*hit 255, failed 265

Rest 5 mins

-10 Wall Balls (30#)
-10 Box Jump Overs (30")
-5 MUs 
*4 rounds


A) Assault Bike 30 mins: 5 intervals of 5 mins @ :30 Hard As Possible / :30 rest (pretty much completely, then AMRAP 1 of GHDSU's 
*300 Cals, 100 GHDSU's 

Gymnastics Add-On
B1) Press Walks (3 x 5yds)
B2) Pull-Up and Overs (3 x 6)

Friday, January 16, 2015


A. Clean & Jerk; climb to heavy single, get some weight on you and in those hands 
*Built to 315. Kinda felt sketchy. Definitely not confident doing drop-under snatches or jerks with heavy weight at all.

B. drop set to 3 x 2 at 80%; Not TnG 

C. Row 600m x 3; rest 1 min between. hard out the gate, 90% ish, and try to maintain here 
*done, held a 1:42'ish for all

A. ECC wod 3
*10:27, still resting between movements too much and don't have the urgency to pick up the bar fast enough yet. 

B. Shoulder Rehab and recovery

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Did this first:

pm:  w/ Competition Crew 
A. 12 min clock
Deadlifts  (365/253)
Muscle ups
in remainder of time, 
5 wall balls (30/20)
5 C2B pullups
*2:07, then 12+5

B. 20 min on bike 
legs only 
:30 on hard 
:30 on easy 
*done, 250 Cals

C. Scap Work 10 min 

A. Bench Press 10x 3 EMOM @60% with light bands
*165# + red bands

B. Seated DB Strict Press - 8RM with DB + 2 drop sets for speed with 70-80% x 8 reps each of those sets 
*built to 50's, then did the 2 fast sets with 40's

C. 3 min max calories on bike ; test 
*76 Cals

D. 20+ of static stretching and foam rolling

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


This is the order I went in today:

C. 4 sets 
Max strict pullups (stay on bar) into max butterfly rest 3 min x 4 
*holy fucking forearms, biceps, lats. Won't be doing rows until later, yikes. 
1: 12/32
2: 5/23
3: 5/21
4: 0/23

E. Yoke walk 40' sections. HEAVY. REST 2-3 min between walks 
*done with about 700#

F. L sit (best angle for shoulder) - accrue 2:30
*done in :15 intervals

A. OHS - lighter weight just working position and stability at tempo of 32X1 - some triples and spend 10-12 min 
*built to 145

B. Snatch deficit pull - 5x2 @100%
*done, 285

D. 500m row x 5 ; rest 3:00 - goal is 1:35-1:37 paces. Bringing this puppy back down 
*1:35/1:36/1:36/ forearms started spasming! I couldn't hang on any more. Definitely from the pull-ups earlier. Definitely have to build up that forearm strength/fatigue-resistance!

Monday, January 12, 2015


am : 
A. Strict Press 3-3-3-3  pick heavy weight , hit it acrosss 

B. Push Press 5-5-5-5 *same 

C. emom x 20 
odd: 15 cal row 
even: 15 burpee over bar 
*done, pretty miserable, but felt infinitely better on my triceps-fatigue (almost non-existent this week!), but was a mental midget on 3 sets of the burpees and only did 13 on minutes 13/15/17...

A. 21-15-9 
box jumps (24) 
front SqTs (115)
strict HSPU
*8:30, UB and fast on BJ and FS, here's the HSPU breakdown:
21: 3's across w/ about :08 between
15: 3/3/3/2/2/1/1
9: singles pretty fast, about 3 seconds after coming down before kicking back still plenty to work on there, but liked how you made me breathe heavy and slightly fatigued going into them first, that was good to get that feeling.

B. 3 x 50 UB Wall Balls; rest accordingly between sets, but each much be 50 unbroken 
*these were the toughest wall balls I've ever done. After all the shoulder/triceps work prior to these...I take back what I wrote about the "no triceps-fatigue" from the burpees. It certainly all caught up here. Took :90 between set 1 and 2, then took 4 minutes before the last set and by that set I was essentially doing jump squats with a finger flick to throw the ball as I couldn't raise my arms above my chest by that point. Last set was a mental grinder.

C. DB SA Row 10 reps each side x 4 sets; rest :30 between sides
*done w/ 75's